
Microservices Development

Unleash the Power of Trusted Microservices Architecture for Future-Ready Businesses. Leverage 11+ Years of VRJ Technologies' Expertise to Transform Legacy Systems with Secure and Agile Microservices Development. Our Microservices Architecture Development services ensure faster project delivery with seamless updates and upgrades, minimizing downtime. At VRJ Technologies, we modernize legacy IT systems by restructuring the apps and streamlining the deployments to meet digital demands. From developing Microservices Architecture to its integration, or further customization, we offer and master everything!

We provide comprehensive Microservices and Serverless Architecture Development Services. Our expertise encompasses designing and implementing efficient serverless solutions tailored to your specific business needs. With a focus on microservices, we ensure seamless communication and integration between individual components, maximizing scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Trust VRJ Technologies team of professionals to deliver cutting-edge serverless solutions that empower your applications with enhanced performance and reliability while reducing operational overhead.

Services We Offer

Microservices Assesment

  • Organizational and Architectural Risks EvaluationR
  • Enhancing Microservices Architecture
  • Roadmap Development
  • End-to-end Assesment
  • Microservices Integration

  • Modern Comprehensive Integration
  • Good API-led Integration Strategy
  • Loose Coupling and High Cohesion
  • Best Integration Tools Usage
  • Microservices Testing

  • Automated testing with high test coverage
  • API testing
  • Routine regression and security testing
  • Enables fast and quality releases